On the territory of Georgia war shifted to the press, and the notion of "anti-war information" quickly became parable in yazytsah. Sometimes it is not even on a one-sided conflict sanctification, when Tbilisi version being presented as the only correct-but the frank peredergivanii, silence and even the publication of false, that is, production fotosvidetelstv. But on one front, the speech did not: the European media extremely divergent.
Information warfare has already reached up to the fact that the Russian branch of international human rights organization Human Rights Watch found it necessary to describe the coverage of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict by Western media as "propaganda and misinformation".
": The Western countries, perhaps relieved with relief that during the NATO summit in Bucharest did not give a green light to Georgia" "We are very grave concern over the scale of misinformation in the media about what is happening in the conflict zone. This is not only as propaganda ", - said" Interfax "on Monday a representative office in Moscow HRW Tatyana Lokshina.
Still, talk of "one anti-Russian front," you can not. The views of European observers are often directly opposed.
"Mikhail Saakashvili, it seems, has lost about reality - writes a Swiss newspaper NZZ am Sonntag. -- He's not just declared war raging in the conflict between Russia and Georgia, no, he urges the West, especially America, a military participation in it. The representative of the independent will of the Georgian - provocateurs. Of course, the war in South Ossetia is heated by the imperialist ambitions of Russia, the desire to punish neighbour for a desire to join NATO. But in a military conflict with Russia Saakashvili certainly will not be able to win ".
"The delicate balance in the Caucasus razletelos vdrebezgi. The decision of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili on intervention in South Ossetia was a tragic mistake - the situation said on Monday the Spanish El Pais. -- This decision means and political mistake. The reaction of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin makes it clear that Russia intends to strengthen its hegemony in the region ".
"Mikhail Saakashvili too fell, schekocha Russian bear in South Ossetia - withdrawn the French newspaper L'Alsace. -- He lost the risks and pay dearly for it. This case is not engaged in "good" president Medvedev, Putin and his predecessor, for which it is not the first armed conflict in the Caucasus ".
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"Why Georgia decided to provocation and on the night of Friday began a march South Ossetia - until the mystery - reflects the German Süddeutsche Zeitung. -- Russia, gathered its forces on the border, did not hesitate and responded show of force, drove to fall dumb all the friends of Georgia with the U.S. led. Now Russia is moving deep into Georgia, bombing airfields, blocks from the sea…. Saakashvili, inclined to reassess its forces, read the second lecture: his country's relations with the West is not so strong that in the Caucasian war flared major confrontation ".
"The war in South Ossetia - this is the moment of truth for Poland and Europe - neistovstvuet left-liberal Warsaw edition of Gazeta Wyborcza, - For Poland - because, to join NATO and the EU, it could influence the Caucasian event. For Europe - because it had the opportunity rehabilitated for a multi-year policy of closing eyes to the problems of people who have been subjected neoimperskoy policy of Moscow ".
"About intentions Russia has already spoken very purpose bombings - information continues to attack the Dutch newspaper Trouw. -- The objectives were city, as well as oil installations, factories and military bases. It is obvious that Russia had not save his brother, and took the opportunity to strike at the infrastructure economically fairly successful Georgia. West still can only popenyat Saakashvili in private for what he has given such an opportunity Russian. But the move shows the rightness of the war the Baltic countries, Poland, Georgia, Ukraine and other neighbours of Russia that only western integration, entry into NATO may provide protection against the Russian intervention ".
On this subject
* Deep inside Georgia
* Opinions were divided
* Georgians retreat to Tbilisi
* Why Russia is losing aircraft
* War through the eyes of London
Key words: Georgia, Europe, Mikhail Saakashvili, Russia and Georgia, Russia and the EU, the media, South Ossetia, the war, the Georgian-Ossetian conflict
"The territorial integrity of Georgia must be respected - calls on the Belgian newspaper De Morgen. -- Even if Abkhazia and South Ossetia shown rebel mood, it does not give Russia the right to send its troops there. True, you can ask that fan the fire forced the pro-Western - mainly pro-American - President Mikhail Saakashvili. It was difficult to get rid of the feeling that Saakashvili sought Western military intervention. Should I be surprised that in April at the summit, NATO has denied most of his country in joining the military alliance ".
"This war is now called the conflict could destabilize not only the Caucasus, it is capable of extremely exacerbating the already tense relations between Russia, Europe and the United States - warned conservative British newspaper The Sunday Times. -- Moscow is seeking the instability of Georgia, blocking its entry into NATO. Russia clearly gives the West to understand that the case gone too far. True, such a strategy could lead to a major fire. Russia is playing with fire ".
"This is the scenario, which the Europeans so feared - writes the French edition of Sud-Ouest. -- They are forced to choose between Georgia, which builds his eyes, and Russia, which provides them with much needed gas. In principle, this is the same dilemma as with Beijing - a choice between protection of human rights and protection of economic interests. This is a challenge of political and economic class. The political - because Georgia with the support of the U.S. wishes to join NATO. Economic - because this country is a strategically important crossroads for oil and gas supplies to Europe ".
And in the view of Le Monde, Western countries on one hand can not openly encourage Georgians to cede to pressure Russia on the other - can not affect Russia, "which immediately reminds them of Kosovo precedent". "And if one day they will have to choose between Moscow and Tbilisi, it is not difficult to imagine whose side they are on stand", - summarizes the publication.
"Europe can not openly encourage Georgians to cede to pressure Russia, but also to influence Russia can not: it will immediately recall all of Kosovo precedent" "Bespomoschny Saakashvili has asked the West for help. None of the major forces in his call not answered - reflects the Romanian daily Gandul. -- Moreover, Western countries might be relieved with relief that during the NATO summit in Bucharest did not give a green light to Georgia. Otherwise, France, Germany and even Romania would have been forced to defend the Georgian territory by Russian attacks. Georgian president and lost on this front. Europe can not afford a war with Russia ".
The Times British categorically opposed. "Many argue that the current conflict, only confirms the correctness adopted at the NATO summit in April decision not to accept an alliance in Georgia. That is not true - the newspaper said. -- Thus we give Rossi understand that it essentially has veto power on who to be or not to be in NATO. This deprives the hopes of pro-American and pro-European customized President Saakashvili, elected in 2004 on a wave of sentiment. This will make it difficult to reach an agreement on the deployment of peacekeepers in South Ossetia, demonstrating that the U.S. and Europe are indifferent to the fate of Georgia ", - argues columnist edition.
Otherwise the views and the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. "If Georgia was a member of NATO, as the U.S. wanted, then the alliance would be forced to defend itself - writes Viennese liberal publication. -- Americans, Germans, Canadians, Spaniards - all of them would be obliged to hasten through Georgia and to stop the invasion of the Caucasian republic. Moreover, if the Georgian membership in NATO was possible, the ministers must be to develop a plan entry into the alliance - this could prevent war. Russia decided not to attack Georgia, and Mikhail Saakashvili would have thought more than once (with the support of friendly West), whether it has the right to retract in the conflict over the tiny province of other NATO countries ".
"Application of International Olympic Committee, circulated after the war, which broke out between Georgia and Russia, perfectly describes the time in which we live - says the Italian La Stampa. -- This condition, created from blindness, indifference, stupidity and irresponsibility militia. "This is not something that the world would now like to see", - makes verdict Committee in Beijing ".
"Leader of" rose revolution "made the stakes are too high and because it will lose a very large - Notes Die Welt. -- In diplomatic terms and nedyuzhinnogo and with patience he has in battle with Russia still have chances, but in military terms, he definitely lose. And the chances of his country to truly become part of one western system, becoming a pile of ruins ".
The newspaper also said that the outbreak of war revealed those things which stubbornly did not want to notice in Europe and the USA. First, that the Balkan conflicts 1990 - ies still have their consequences. Secondly, Russia does not intend to give regions near its southern borders. "And thirdly, to the beginning of the war America was a surprise and proved quite nekstati. And fourthly, the West in general, and especially Europe, could be well advised to relate to their ability promises ", - summarizes the publication.
And yet on the role of the United States. As noted in an interview with French Liberation former director of European Affairs Bureau under the Council of the U.S. National Security Charles Kupchan, the war was a direct result of Washington's connivance.
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"Saakashvili spoke about the territorial integrity of Georgia within invariably provocative manner than cowardly and fuel to the fire. And the U.S., rather than encourage him to greater restraint, only encourage such behavior. State Department allowed him to believe that no matter how events developed, Washington will fight on his side and would defend the desire of Georgia to become a member of NATO. Because of this, the Georgian government to conduct itself has become more arrogant, it has not sought to resolve the conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia through negotiations ", - the expert noted.
In the current situation - wrote La Repubblica, referring to the position of Foreign Minister Franco Frattini of Italy - the EU should adopt an immediate cease-fire position, preserving the territorial integrity of Georgia, but condemn this attempt to defend the territorial integrity by force. "Saying" no "use of weapons - meant to make his criticism of Saakashvili, who on Thursday ordered his military of invading RYUO immediately after the rebels had been reached with the ceasefire agreement", - notes the newspaper.
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